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2023-12-19 17:25:23 ,,,,,,

To err is human and to forgive divine, according to the old adage, but humans who forgive are known to experience significant physical and mental health benefits from doing so.
Now researchers report that these beneficial health effects appear to vary by age, along with the willingness to forgive others, the willingness to forgive oneself. Taken together, our findings emphasize that forgiveness is a multidimensional phenomenon, write study lead author Dr. Loren L. Toussaint of the University of Michigan and colleagues. There are age differences in some forms of forgiveness and in their relationship to health.
Their conclusions are based on survey responses from more than 1,400 adults during a 5-month study period.
In general, young adults (18-44 years) reported that they were less likely to forgiveothers than middle-aged (45-64) and older adults (65 and older).
Among survey participants of all ages, however, reports of forgiveness of themselves and others were associated with decreased psychological distress, including feelings of restlessness, hopelessness and nervousness.
Further, young adults who reported high levels of self-forgiveness were more likely to be satisfied with their lives, whereas middle age and older adults who reported high levels of forgiveness of others were more likely to report increased lifesatisfaction.
In other findings, attendance at religious services was associated with decreased psychological distress, particularly among young and middle-aged adults, and increased life satisfaction among young and old adults. Service attendance was also associated with higher self-rated health among all age groups.


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