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2023-12-19 17:25:23 ,,,,,

With the development of living standards, going out to h**e a tourism is becoming a part of our life. But at the same time, uncivilized beh**iors in tourism are frequently happening. So cultural tourism has became a hot topic in the society.
Especially in vacations, phenomena of uncivilized beh**ior in parks or museums everywhere. Even in foreign countries, our Chinese citizens still do naturally, it seriously affected our countrys image. Of course, it has caused bad loss in ancient buildings and antiquities and our environments. So its urgent to advocate to h**e a cultural tourism.
Firstly, we should keep in mind the sense of protecting the environment. And when we h**e a tourism, we had better watch out the warning words carefully and then obey the rules. For the sake of ourselves and our country, lets do some meaningful things for cultural tourism.


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